Mastering Complexity Language
Qualitative Systems Mapping Techniques
Next Courses To Be Announced
6 Interactive Weekly
Online Sessions
Live Classes
Maximum 16 Participants per Cohort
In this course, you will learn to use Stock and Flow Maps to gain fluency in using the complexity language. Stock and Flow systems mapping technique provides a rigorous basis for developing a quantitative and predictive model of a system. It enables the formulation and testing of scenarios and factors influencing the behaviour of the system.
Stocks represent resources that can accumulate or be depleted, such as the goods in the inventory of a company. Flows are entities that can increase or decrease a stock, like production or sales changing the inventory level. Mapping Stocks and their Flows in a system provides a powerful conceptualization method for understanding the relationship between resource structures in a system, and for observing behaviour over time.
Mapping Stocks and Flows sharpens your scientific reasoning skills and hone your capacity to develop a quantitative understanding of non-linearity, feedback, delays, and ripple effects in systems. This mapping technique can help you formulate and test hypotheses about interdependencies and feedback processes that influence the behavior of a system.
If you would like to...
learn effectively in and about complexity through quantitative systems mapping,
create your own tools for sense-making to reflect and match the uniqueness of your design problems,
identify the most effective leverage points to make organizational-level changes,
communicate the structure of complex situations in an effective and intuitive way,
complement your qualitative expertise with quantitative thinking,
...then this course is for you.
More On Complexity
Dynamism, nonlinearity, ubiquitous delays, co-flows
Resource Maps
Stocks, flows and information elements
Ageing Chains
Conceptualizing resource maturation and development through and within systems
Levarage Points
Places for an effective intervention in a system
Multi-Stock Systems
Mapping resource interdependencies and feedback processes